

6 Week

Coaching Cohort Experience




Hey there fellow badass 🤙🏼

Do you desire a nervous system that is equipped to healthfully:

- Recover amidst the fall out of the last two (to 500) years?

- Interrupt transgenerational trauma?

- Take care of yourself & our Mother?

- Cultivate co-liberation?

Welcome video

Why opt in?

Many of us are craving the practices & community, with which to tune and tone our nervous systems' capacity for adaptability, regeneration, & collaboration.

MorganicMovement's 6 Week Coaching Cohort offers you the space to prioritize your nervous system’s core needs- individually & collectively.

Let’s restore our responsibility to our biology,

so we can restore our relationship with each other and our Mother’s ecology. Cause, ya know… our bodies are our only vessel we have to get into good and necessary trouble with, so let’s go!

ABout your coach

Hi y'all, I'm Morgan, the gender & neuro-queer faerie god-sibling you wish you had growing up ;)

I'm an ecologically and intersectionally grounded:

coach, trauma sensitive movement specialist, restorative practice facilitator and community builder, who has been in direct, or relational, contact with almost every system of harm & healing out there.

I'm dedicated to facilitating highly accessible, and somatically abolitionist, restorative embodiment practices- to strengthen our collective capacity to healthfully thrive & honor every neurospicy layer of our badass survivor selves.

So we may co-build thriving nervous and eco-systems,


THE Morganic Movement Coaching CohorT OffeR

1- Kick ass coaching experience

A comprehensive, adaptable & trauma-sensitive, virtual, course series, taught 1-1 & in group settings.


Our bodies take time to evolve & adapt, & this course offers 6 weeeks to practice new neurological patterns with nuturing intensity, & consistency.

5:1 Principles of nervous system restoration

You'll have the opportunity to download, explore, & practice the essentials of nervous system restoration (that function in principles/ratios of 5:1).


You’ll have access to one, 1-1 session per week with Morgan. And two, group movement/practice sessions per week (AM & PM options) to practice in community.


You’re welcome to bring your closest family members

(chosen or bio) to the group practices.

LIMITED AVAILABILITY- only 10 slots available at a time

Via rolling enrollment.

What? How? WHy?

Of MorganicMovement’s COaching


Over the last 15+ years, I've downloaded & integrated the most effective systems & technologies of trauma healing and synthesized them into vitally potent, body-based principles and practices for our collective benefit.


We all need a little more organic movement in our lives to curate robust enough nervous systems to uproot the systems of harm that have been wired in the ways we relate to ourselves, each other, and the planet.


There is so much radical

trans-formation possible in our relationships- when we practice moving & breathing in alignment with our nervous systems’ needs, via attuning to the principal health markers impacted by our individual & collective survivorship.

invest in you!

1 Kick ass coaching experience

6 weeks of practice

5:1 principles of nervous system restoration

3 weekly virtual sessions

All for $1,653!

**Full value of this cohort experience**


Based on value of professional contact hours,

live/take home practices & transformative impact.

**Payment plans available upon request**

If you have any questions and desire a 30 min conversation w/ Morgan to check out how they vibe, please

TWO additional


- Developmental Movement Assessment & Practice Design-

A movement history assessment from birth to 25, with attuned movement design recommendations for reintegrating a stronger sense of self trust, embodied liberation & groundedness.

Going rate $450, Offered at $250

- Personalized Recorded Movement Practice-

A specially-designed guided movement practice (20 mins max, to the soundtrack of your choosing) that caters to balancing your survival response patterns, offering you a potent practice that's sublimely attuned to your body's unique restoration process.

Going rate $450, Offered at $250

You’ll know when you’re ready


Aliko (he/him)

Morgan combines justice, somatics, and psychology in a way I’ve never experienced before… they have been integral in my understanding of the human condition, and how we can go at the pace of trust...

Any work you do with Morgan will be sure to level up your knowledge.

Beautiful (all pronouns)

Morgan lives what they teach, and what they provide is as necessary, as it is hard to find. Morgan has been figuring out what we’re going through, and what to do about it for years, starting with themself… With an approach that centers body & breath.

Kenyon (she/her)

Morgan consistently offers practical education on the neurobiological impact of trauma, movement, and embodiment practices to help cultivate a felt sense of safety in my body, and a compassionate framework within which to hold my now-differently-abled self. I am so grateful.

Dylan alter, JD, AACC (they/Them)

Morgan balances a fiery brilliance to understanding the somatic experiences of untangling trauma, as well as an impressive fortitude for holding the vulnerable tenderness that this work necessitates for us all. Working with them may lead to feeling inspired, reassured, challenged, and seen.


253-697-1090 (text preferred)

Got questions?

Want to connect?